First Commercial Project In Croatia Using PSD2 API's






5k monthly invoices, 43M € invoiced via app in 2023



There are a lot of apps that give you an overview of your finance online. But none of them paints the complete picture. Without direct access to your banking data, that is impossible.

We decided to take on the challenge of integrating with relatively new and completely unused technology in Croatia – PSD2. This way, we got to integrate directly with all major Croatian banks and give actual control over your finance in just one tool.

Transform Your Business. With Data.

Fira is the first solution in Croatia to give SMEs a complete overview of their finance; This empowers SMEs to optimize their business, make more intelligent decisions fast, and finally prosper.

Invoicing, time tracking, expenses management, etc., Fira is an all-in-one tool to run your business. Then comes PSD2 integration, with which you can directly access your bank account from the app. And at the end, it all gets merged together with BI and data science to guide you into making the best decision.

What We Did

The project began with thorough business analysis, gathering insights through stakeholder interviews, competitive analysis, and user personas to define clear project goals. For UI/UX, intuitive and visually engaging designs were crafted, ensuring responsiveness across all devices.

The infrastructure work included robust cloud integration, secure database management, and API development, with a focus on security and reliability. A Progressive Web App (PWA) was developed featuring offline functionality, push notifications, and optimized performance. Finally, SEO efforts centered on keyword research and on-page optimization to enhance search engine visibility and drive traffic.

INFrastructure and development

Backend Development: Utilized Spring Boot for building RESTful APIs and developing the backend.

Frontend Development: Implemented Angular for creating a dynamic and responsive user interface.

Database Management: Used PostgreSQL for secure and efficient data storage and retrieval.

Cloud Services: Deployed the application on Azure for scalable and reliable cloud infrastructure.

Data Processing: Employed Python for scripting and data processing tasks.

Search Functionality: Integrated Elasticsearch to enhance search capabilities and performance.

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