National Blood Donor Agency Project






Improved blood donation management



About the Project

Brainit, in collaboration with Combis, developed a comprehensive application for the National Blood Donor Agency. This innovative app is designed to track blood levels across the country and notify eligible donors when there is a need for their specific blood type. The primary goal is to ensure that blood banks are adequately stocked at all times, thereby improving the efficiency of blood donation and distribution. Brainit won Try Code Catch Hackathon award with this project solution.


  1. Real-time Blood Level Monitoring: Provide a real-time overview of blood stock levels in various blood banks across the country.
  2. Donor Notification System: Notify eligible donors when their blood type is in low supply, encouraging timely donations.
  3. Streamlined Blood Donation Process: Simplify the process for donors to find nearby donation centers and schedule appointments.
  4. Data Analytics: Analyze donation patterns and blood usage to optimize collection and distribution strategies.
  5. Enhanced User Engagement: Increase donor engagement and retention through timely updates and reminders.

Technology Stack

  1. Frontend:
    • React: The frontend of the application is built using React, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. React enables the creation of dynamic and responsive user interfaces, ensuring a seamless user experience.
    • Redux: Used for state management to ensure consistent and predictable application behavior.
    • Bootstrap For responsive and aesthetically pleasing design components.
  2. Backend:
    • Django: The backend is powered by Django, a high-level Python web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Django provides robust features for managing the application’s data and business logic.
    • Django REST Framework: Used to build the API endpoints that allow communication between the frontend and backend.
    • Celery: For handling asynchronous tasks such as sending notifications and processing data.
  3. Database:
    • PostgreSQL: A powerful, open-source relational database system used to store all application data, including blood stock levels, donor information, and donation records.
  4. Hosting and Deployment:
    • Docker: Containerization of the application to ensure consistency across different development and production environments.
    • Kubernetes: For orchestrating the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.
    • AWS/GCP: Cloud services for hosting the application, ensuring high availability and scalability.
  5. Other Tools and Services:
    • Firebase: For real-time notifications and user authentication.
    • Google Maps API: To help donors locate nearby donation centers.


This project exemplifies the effective use of technology to address critical public health needs, ultimately contributing to saving lives through improved blood donation management.

The project demonstrates the successful integration of various technologies to solve a real-world problem, setting a benchmark for future initiatives in the healthcare sector. The project won Combis Try Catch Hackhatkon.

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